Access Standards

Access Standards for patients

A new set of standards were announced by the Minister for Health and Social Services in March 2019 that are aimed to raise and improve the level of service for patients in Wales from their GP practices. Tenby Surgery recognise that access plays a major role in the experience of a patient.

 The standards are as follows and Tenby Surgery is committed to them;

(A) Have a telephone system with a recording function for incoming and outgoing lines, that stack calls and allows for the analysis of call data,

(B) Have a telephone introduction message recorded bilingually in Welsh and English that in total lasts no longer than 2 minutes,

(C) Ensure that patients and care homes can order repeatable prescriptions digitally,

(D) For the duration of core hours, ensure that patients can digitally request a non-urgent appointment or a call back, and that the necessary governance arrangements are in place for this process,

(E) Publicise information via the practice’s online resource on —

(i) The access requirements specified in this paragraph , and

(ii)how patients can—

(aa)access the contractor’s services, and

(bb)request an urgent, routine and advanced consultation,

 (F) Offer a same day consultation for—

(i) children under 16 with acute presentations, and

(ii) patients clinically triaged as requiring an urgent assessment,

(G) Offer pre-bookable appointments to take place during core hours; and

(H) Actively signpost patients to appropriate services—

(i)available from the members of the contractor’s cluster,

(ii)provided or commissioned by the Local Health Board, or

(iii)available locally or nationally.

(2) The contractor must self-declare quarterly that the requirements in sub-paragraph (1) have been met and if requested be prepared to provide the evidence to the Local Health Board as required.